DeepDive Networking
DeepDive Networking

Blog by Mechele

Powering the World with the Ultimate Renewable Resource

By Mechele

Pavegen is capturing the kinetic power inherent in human footsteps to create electricity.

02.02.17 09:56 PM - Comment(s)

Smartphone Microscope could mean Big Changes in Medical Care in Underdeveloped Areas

By Mechele

Researchers have created a Smartphone attachable microscope that can be cheaply mass produced.  The 3D-printed device plugs in to a smartphone and records images at the same quality as a traditional microscope.  The hope is that doctors in rural and underdeveloped areas can run diagnostic ...

19.01.17 09:47 PM - Comment(s)

In defense of Net Neutrality

By Mechele

Out going Chairman of the FCC Tom Wheeler gave his last speech today and he spoke about the importance of Net Neutrality and the threat the new administration may bring. He stressed the positive outcomes that have come to pass since the law was established in 2015 and the importance of consumer priv...

13.01.17 08:30 PM - Comment(s)

CES 2017 is big news!

By Mechele

CES kicked off it's 50th event today in Las Vegas with the largest exhibit floor they have ever had, new marketplaces, multiple keynote addresses, expanded programming and a host of enhanced services.  There is a big focus on Smart Home, Smart Energy, and Sleep Tech solutions as well as a record 600...

05.01.17 10:01 PM - Comment(s)